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2016 Ag Woman of the Year ~ finalists

​Meet the 2016 Ag Woman of the Year finalists. Each of these women represent a different segment of our industry - and they do it well. Like all of us, they wear many hats and take on a variety of tasks on a daily basis. Ag advocacy is part of their every day routine. They share their stories as producers; they reach out to consumers; they get involved in ag organizations; they support youth projects in their communities and they encourage future generations to get involved in South Dakota's leading industry. All in all, they are leading the charge for women in ag - and paving the way to the future.

ward recipients will be announced on Oct. 6 during the evening program at our annual conference. Winners will recieve gift baskets with items donated from local businesses. {Thank you prize sponsors!}

                                                              Peggy Greenway helps with every aspect of their farming operation while also working
                                                              in Mitchell as an investment assistant. Peggy and her husband, Brad, own a wean-to-

                                                              finish operation that markets 10,000 hogs annually. They also have 200 beef cows and

                                                              grow corn, soybeans, wheat, and alfalfa on 1,800 acres. That means on any given day,
                                                              Peggy’s attire can change drastically – from a suit and high heels to coveralls and
                                                              rubber boots. Peggy has been serving as a pork expert for the South Dakota
                                                              CommonGround organization for the past couple years. CommonGround’s goal is to
                                                              start conversations between women who grow food and the women who buy it. It’s a
                                                              conversation based on their personal experience as farmers and also on science and
                                                              research. The group attends a few women’s conferences each year and also participates
                                                              in influencer dinners and farm tours in conjunction with Ag United for South Dakota.
                                                              Peggy is active in promoting the pork industry and modern agriculture on Twitter
                                                              and Facebook. She has been involved with the Davison County Pork Council for many
                                                              years and has been a 4H leader for 17 years. Peggy is a co-leader for a local 4H club and
                                                              she occasionally helps with events sponsored by CommonGround and Ag United. Peggy
                                                              writes about life on the farm whenever she has the chance, whether it’s an article in the
                                                              newspaper, responding to online articles, or on social media.


“She is the perfect candidate because she is what South Dakota Ag is all about and what Women in South Dakota Ag are all about. They are multi taskers that can literally do it all... on and off the farm.” ~ Kecia Beranek


​                                                             Laurie Johnson, of South Shore, is an agriculture instructor at Lake Area Technical
                                                             Institute (LATI), in Watertown. She has spearheaded the addition of online agriculture
                                                             courses and degrees through LATI as well as the implementation of a range management
Laurie is an equal part of her farming operation with her husband, Brandon and 

                                                             their children. Together they raise beef cattle and sheep. Laurie consistently works to find
                                                             success in their operation through continuing education, advocacy, financial awareness,
                                                             and most importantly, passion. Her zealous attitude for agriculture, especially women in
                                                             agriculture, is infectious and she truly embodies the entrepreneurial spirit needed to
                                                             effectively manage her many "enterprises," including her family and farm. Laurie is a
                                                             recent graduate of South Dakota Ag and Rural Leadership (SDARL) class VIII and BeefSD
                                                             class I, in addition to the King Ranch Leadership Institute. She also serves on the South
                                                             Dakota Beef Industry Council and is frequently found assisting with FFA events, beef
                                                             promotion events, and participating in agricultural advocacy events across the state and
                                                             nation. Laurie is consistent in building advocacy events into her curriculums at LATI,    
                                                             including the donations of roasts for the less fortunate, handing out beef sticks at the
                                                             EmBe 5K, in Sioux Falls, answering questions from consumers at the MoDak Dairy open
                                                             houses, attending multiple state and national conferences, and attending farm tours and
                                                             open houses on behalf of farmers and ranchers to help consumers put a face to the


“The basis of Laurie's passion is pushing for more women in agriculture. She truly embodies the spirit and passion women need to be successful in the agricultural industry and I am honored to say that she has become a role model for my own endeavors in the agriculture industry.” ~ Bailey Coats

                                                             Heidi Selken, of Humboldt, is a herd manager at Boadwine farms – a 2,000 cow dairy at
                                                             Baltic, SD. She has had a true passion for educating and caring about agriculture since she
                                                             was in high school. She is a role model and devotes her time to hosting tours, educating in
                                                             the classroom, and advocating online via Facebook and Twitter. Heidi is the involved with
                                                             many area ag-related events and organizations including the Dairy Show at the Sioux
                                                             Empire Fair, the Minnehaha County Leaders Association, the Adopt a Farmer program
                                                             through Ag United, and she hosts over 50 tours a year at Boadwine Farms. She’s a member
                                                             of the Tri-Valley FFA alumni and has served as a 4H club leader. She volunteers her time
                                                             to lead and educate youth in the 4H program and to give several tours at Boadwine farms
                                                             to educate how a dairy farm works. Recently, she participated in Dairy Fest that took place
                                                             at the Swiftel Center in Brookings SD. She runs the Dairy CDE at the Tri-Valley FFA
                                                             alumni contest in March. Heidi has received Ag United Advocate of the Year award and
                                                             Friend of the Dairy Industry award from the SD Dairy Producers.

“In conversation, Heidi is always advocating to whoever she is talking to. When you ask Heidi why she does all this, she would respond, "I think it is important to educate consumers about how their food is made." She works on building that trusting relationship between the consumer and the farmer. She has a deep passion for the dairy industry and agriculture in South Dakota.” ~ JoAnn Selken


                                                          Tiffani Robertson and her husband, Tyler, live on a cow/calf and horse ranch operation
                                                             near Hermosa. Tiffani is involved in agriculture in so many ways - from volunteering on
                                                             boards and committees, to putting in hours of blood and sweat working hard on the ranch,
                                                             to advocating for agriculture on a daily basis. She is also active and involved in the rodeo
                                                             industry. Tiffani is considered a role model, mentor, expert and a great source of advice
                                                             and positive perspective. She actively volunteers for every and any ag committee from 4H,
                                                             Central States Fair Board, Natural Ag & Resource Committee to coaching and helping kids
                                                             with rodeo. Any individual who is in need in any way, can count on her to be the first
                                                             person to help and rally a benefit auction, or crew of workers to help take care of any need.
                                                             She is a woman who can always be counted on and always puts others' needs before her
                                                             own, and her word is good as gold. Tiffani is involved in South Dakota Stockgrowers
                                                             Association, SDARL, and South Dakota 4H, and more. She recently established her own
                                                             marketing and event planning company, and works with clients in South Dakota and

“Tiffani is a constant advocate for Agriculture. She promotes and shares her ag lifestyle through social media and educates those not involved in ag about our industry. She shares the ag lifestyle with business leaders, and articulates why they should support ag. Tiffani is a strong supporter of youth - especially in the rodeo arena. She encourages young people to look at and pursue careers in ag. She literally is an advocate for ag in every aspect of her life - and she is a natural at it.” ~ Amy Pravecek                                                       




Peggy Greenway

Laurie Johnson

Heidi Selken

Tiffani Robertson

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